City of Evanston Digital Annual Report

User Needs.
Business Goals.
Engaging Solutions.

Work: UX, Visual Design, HTML/CSS web design

Situation: The City's Annual Report is traditionally produced in small printed batches for the Annual Illinois State Meeting. It is costly and timely to produce, difficult to update, not readily available to residents and local businesses. The stakeholders requested additional content, increasing the number of pages. In today's effort to be sustainable, I asked the question how effective was a paper report, how was it used, who used the report, once the meeting was over, how interested were the majority of the attendees in keeping information non-relevant to their own municipality, as a result how many reports were left behind, and did the cost out weigh the benefits? I suggested to go digital so all, including residents, could have access to the report, avoid printing cost paper, storage inventory and paper waste.

Task: Create an online experience that was easy to update, accessible to all, featuring concise comprehensive content that kept the viewer's interests and focus on the city's annual achievements and future plannings.

Result: With the collaboration of stakeholders and the Digital Services Specialist, a page for the annual report was designated on the City of Evanston's website, making it accessible, easy to update, and cost effective. With the extensive required copy, an accordion widget approach was used to organize the hierarchy of information and page navigation, allowing the viewer to skim and select desired sections of interest. This online format continued to replace past paper formats and was effective in Covid-19 reporting.

UX Process

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  • City of Evanston Annual Report